Tuesday, March 4, 2008

3 miles and I stayed up too late

First of all, I didn't get my cross training in yesterday. It's Town Meeting time! Official Town Meeting day is today (Tuesday) but in my town, Tuesday is spent voting by Australian ballot on the measures that we discuss in a meeting on Monday night. I was at that meeting last night from 7pm - 10:30pm. Go Democracy, right??!!? I'm Treasurer of the Board of Trustees for our local library, and I had to appear at the meeting to speak on behalf of the library and basically beg the voters to approve our appropriation. We'll see what happens after the vote today. Anyway, I didn't get to go to pilates class because of the meeting, and I was too disorganized to find another time to work out during the day. Excuses, excuses.

BUT, after staying up until midnight (I had to unwind after the crazy long meeting) I got up at 6:30 and headed to the gym with C to run my three miles! Yeah, you know, it's old hat by now, I'm totally cool.... ;-) It felt pretty good. I can't say I'm LOVING it, but 3 miles isn't as awful as I imagined it to be. Talk to me at 4 miles. :-)

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