Monday, January 21, 2008


My knee is feeling fuuuuuunkkkkeeeee today. They were both a little sore after my great run on Saturday, but I was feeling fine yesterday. And then today, my left knee is just wrong. Not really painful, but I'm worried about it. I'm "aware" of it, if that makes sense - I can feel things moving around in there as I go about my normal course of mommy duties, and I don't usually feel things as I shift my weight and crouch down to dig legos out from under the bed. So I will probably do some good stretching tonight, and take it really easy tomorrow morning - maybe a walk, maybe a light run, we'll see how I'm feeling.

I think this means I'd better get my strength training underway.


Kage said...

Shoot. I know....I am getting older and I can't just do a workout (or clean the house) without consequences....

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...six knee surgeries later I feel qualified to diagnose you. If it doesn't "pop" in and out or feel like the cartilage is catching on something inside (its hard to describe the feeling but you know it when you feel it) its probably just inflamed (which doesn't mean to say it isn't PAINFUL) and regular doses of advil or an anti-inflammatory should work. Also, ice it after you run.

If it is popping (hard...not just a little) or catching, you might have some cartilage damage and then I would see a doctor. But don't go to a regular doctor unless you have to for your insurance. Find an orthopaedic or, even better, a knee doctor.

Hope it feels better soon!