Monday, December 10, 2007


This is (will be?) the tale of how a lazy, lumpy, 31-year-old gal goes from couch potato to (half) marathon babe.

In August, I started running for the first time in 10 years. I was up to 1.5 - 2.0 miles about three times a week by the end of September, and then life got in the way. I returned from an extended trip about three weeks ago, and ever since have been wanting to get back to running. But it just wasn't happening! And then one day, I got the following email from my cousin:

I wanted to tell you that I am planning on signing up for the covered bridge half marathon in june. I think there are going to be four of us running!!!!! Any chance you want to do it???? So I will come visit in june and finally get to see your new home.

At first, I laughed. And then, I thought. And then, I convinced my three sisters-in-law to join me. We registered this morning. We start training tomorrow. Stay tuned for the adventure!

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